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United they stand
2023-09-11 16:41:00
本文发表于China Daily Global 2023年9月8日
United they stand
  Embracing unity in diversity and seeking common ground while respecting differences are key to driving win-win cooperation among BRICS countries
  Editor's note: The world has undergone many changes and shocks in recent years. Enhanced dialogue between scholars from China and overseas is needed to build mutual understanding on many problems the world faces. For this purpose, the China Watch Institute of China Daily and the National Institute for Global Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, jointly present this special column: The Global Strategy Dialogue, in which experts from China and abroad will offer insightful views, analysis and fresh perspectives on long-term strategic issues of global importance.
  At the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg on Aug 24, the BRICS announced the admission of six new members, namely Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran and Ethiopia, expanding the organization from five to 11 countries. Over 40 other countries have expressed the desire to join the BRICS mechanism, some of whom have submitted formal applications. BRICS is showing vibrant growth.
  The expansion of BRICS is, first and foremost, a sign of historic changes. Ever since Christopher Columbus discovered the New World five centuries ago, Western countries have been dominating the world and exerting control over developing countries, resulting in a severe imbalance of power between the East and the West and a lack of fairness and justice in the world.
  In the 21st century, with the rise of emerging economies such as China and India as well as the overall growth of developing countries, the gap has narrowed and the power dynamics between the East and the West have shifted to a more balanced direction.
  Second, the expansion of BRICS is also a sign of the independence and strengths of developing countries.
  Historically, due to the vast disparities in power, Western countries have wielded control over international affairs and the international order, while developing countries have remained in a passive and disadvantaged position, unable to effectively safeguard their interests.
  The BRICS mechanism was established by developing countries with the aim of protecting their legitimate rights. Backed by this big family, developing countries found support, confidence and strength to safeguard their own interests. This is especially true for countries that have often been subjected to isolation, sanctions and pressure from the West.
  Last, the expansion of BRICS signifies the unity of developing countries.
  Unity is power. Developing countries are increasingly aware that only by uniting and forming a collective force can they effectively protect their interests. This motivation drives more and more developing countries to join BRICS.
  The expansion of BRICS and its further development will undoubtedly have a major impact on promoting the international order toward greater fairness and equity.
  At the multilateral level within the United Nations, the expansion of BRICS will substantially enhance their voice in pressing for the reform of the UN and the international financial institutions. It will also bolster the influence of developing countries in global governance issues such as economic development, climate change and public health.
  Within BRICS, member countries can establish economic and financial institutions such as the New Development Bank, which is already in place. Member countries can also proactively promote a better international economic and financial order. Measures such as introducing a BRICS currency, a payment system or trade agreements will complement and improve the existing international economic and financial order.
  Created under Western leadership after World War II, part of the current international order is unjust and unreasonable. In today's context of a weakened UN and exclusive Western blocs pursuing self-interest, BRICS has a bigger role to play in pushing for reform in the international order. The expansion of BRICS and its rapid development has significant implications for maintaining global balance, promoting fairness, and building a multipolar world.
  The continued expansion of BRICS is a pathway for developing countries to change their status and destiny. However, developing countries should pay particular attention to building consensus, eliminating disruptions to maintain strategic autonomy, as well as seeking common ground while respecting differences to achieve a win-win scenario.
  First, developing countries have not only similar historical experiences, but also the same pursuit of achieving national development. With shared identities, interests and goals, they form an interconnected community with a shared future. Therefore, developing countries should build consensus and unity, which is the prerequisite and foundation for the development of BRICS.
  Second, the growth of BRICS will undoubtedly challenge the existing international order, especially the distribution of interests, which may provoke the apprehensions and opposition of countries and organizations that do not want to see developing countries thrive. They may take advantage of their international power and exploit geopolitical ties with some BRICS countries to create contradictions among BRICS members, and disrupt the development of the organization. This poses the biggest problem and obstacle to the future development of BRICS. Therefore, developing countries should maintain political awareness, uphold strategic autonomy, and strengthen internal communication and coordination.
  Last but not least, it is essential to uphold common ground while respecting differences and striving for win-win cooperation. Developing countries are diverse in terms of ethnicity, religion and language, with historical disputes between certain nations. The internal diversity, differences, and disagreements should not hinder BRICS development. Embracing unity in diversity and seeking common ground while respecting differences are key to driving win-win cooperation among BRICS countries.
  The author is deputy director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and a committee member of the National Institute for Global Strategy at the CASS. The author contributed this article to China Watch, a think tank powered by China Daily.
  Contact the editor at editor@chinawatch.cn.